Please don't forget to bring hand watch, roll no slip and CNIC.
Don’t forget to sign, name, booklet no. color, and other requirement on
answer booklet, question paper and invigilator attendance sheet.
Go to test center 1hr prior to start of test it will reduce your
crowed fear and easily find your seat in test center any thing happen unintentionally, i.e. traffic, road accident or hope you are going to wrong test center....etc.
5. First important issue is time management. Divide time in such way
40mint for 35 MCQs of quantitative section, 25 mint. for 35 MCQs of Verbal
section and remaining 1hr is for analytical section in which 10 mint is for
filling circle time on answer sheet.
6. First attempt Quantitative part, then English part and last analytical
In Quantitative part if any question take more time then quit it and go
forward and put a little star or circle and leave for last for guess.
8. Analytical portion takes so much time.
Please bring a pencil and eraser and black pen for filling circle, and
follow shortcuts to save pages for calculations and diagrams because there are
only two papers for solving your mathematics questions.
10.Complete English doesn’t involve any calculations so
it will not take so much time.
11.Complete Quantitative part as soon as you can it has
only simple 9th and 10th class mathematical questions.
12.Third attempt analytical part, alerts your mind and
concentrate the situation in the questions. Draw tables, columns for solving
the question.
13.In the last check your answer sheet if any one
question you did not answer just gives any educated guess but do not leave it empty because there is no negative marking.
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