Tools | Measurement | |
Altimeter | Altitudes | |
Ammeter | Electric current | |
Audiometer | Intensity of Sound | |
Barograph | Real Time Atmospheric Pressure | |
Barometer | Atmospheric Pressure | |
Binoculars | View Distant objects | |
Bolometer | Heat Radiation | |
Callipers | Measure Inner and Outer Diameters of Bodies | |
Calorimeter | Measures Quantities of Heat | |
Cardiogram(ECG) | Recorded Movements of the heart | |
Colorimeter | Intensity of Colors | |
Dilatometer | Measures Changed in Volume | |
Dyanamo | Covert Mechanical Energy into Electrical Energy | |
Dynamometer | Electrical Power | |
Electrometer | Potential Difference in Electric Currents | |
Eletromicroscope | Magnifying | |
Endoscope | Internal Parts of the Body | |
Fathometer | Depth of the Flux | |
Fluxmeter | Magnetic Flux | |
Galvanometer | Electric Current | |
Hydrometer | Density of Liquids | |
Hygrometer | Humidity | |
Hydrophone | Sound Under Water | |
Hygroscope | Changes in Atmospheric Humidity | |
Hypsometer | Boiling Point of Liquids | |
Hymograph | Records Physiological Movement. | |
Lactometer | Density of Milk (to Determine Purity) | |
Machmeter | Speed of an Aircraft | |
Manometer | Measures the Pressure of Gases | |
Micrometer | Coverts Sound Waves into Electrical Vibrations | |
Microscope | Magnifying | |
Ohmmeter | Electrical Resistance | |
Ondometer | Frequency in Electromagnetic Waves | |
Photometer | Luminous Intensity | |
Polygraph | Heartbeat, Blood Pressure the respiration | |
Radar | Direction & Ranges of an Aeroplane / Detection | |
Sextant | Latitude of Place | |
Spectrometer | Position of Spectral Lines | |
Sphygmo Manometer | Blood Pressure | |
Spherometer | Curvature | |
Telescope | Distant Objects | |
Thermometer | Temperature | |
Transponder | Signal | |
Udometer | Rain Gauge | |
Ultrasonoscope | Ultrasonic Sound | |
Voltmeter | Electric Potential Difference | |
Wattmeter | Power of an Electric Circuit | |
Wavemeter | Wavelength |
List of Tools & their Measurements
Tip for Analogies: There are 1-2 MCQs comes frequently in GAT test / Local GRE related to tools and their measurements.
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