Calculation of Percentile In NTS Test for GAT-General / Local GRE:
The calculation of percentile in NTS test is like relative CGPA. For example, If a topper of maths section got 33/35 in CAT-A. So, that is weighted as 100%. If you got 25 then 25/33 *100 = 75.76% percentile not percentage.
Your total percentage in maths section with simple formula of percentage is 25/35*100 = 71.43%.
But If the topper of test got 82/100 then its weighted as 100%. And if you got 60 marks then 60/82*100 = 73.17%
So, think about that person who is expert in any part will be the benchmark for your test. So generalize your mind and encourage and motivate your self that if he got score in the range of 80-85 why not me?
Some students attempt Maths and English part with full concentration and leave the analytical part for last and specially for educated guess. Their result seems like this in CAT-A.
Maths: 25 /35 Pass Percentile = 75
English: 28/35 Pass Percentile = 85
Analytical: 5/30 Fail Percentile = 39
Total: 58 / 100 Fail Percentile = 47
Maths: 25 /35 Pass Percentile = 75
English: 35/45 Pass Percentile = 81
Analytical: 3/20 Fail Percentile = 41
Total: 63 / 100 Fail Percentile = 45
Your total percentile must be equal or greater than 50, because 50 is the passing score. The main cause is giving less time to each section with less concentration will leads to failure of test because of drop down of percentile from 50. Even you pass two parts maths and english, but not analytical. So, you have to pass all 3 sections of GAT-General test means as a whole not in parts and as you know that it is test not a degree that in second attempt you will pass the supply of analytical part. You will again pass three parts in second attempt. Not last but least, improve that section where you are fail who tried previously and got less than 50 score.
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