- Prepare things the night before.
- Don't stuck with one book i.e. diversify your study from books/internet/facebook group/past papers...etc.
- Wake up your mind and body.
- Eat a smart breakfast.
- Warm up your brain.
- Wear suitable attire.
- Bring effective snacks.
- Allow ample time to arrive.
- Don't forget to bring hand clock, pencils/pens, roll no slip, CNIC ...etc.
- Don't bring mobile/books to exam center.
- Increase your spirituality by Zikar Azkar.
- Set a minimum and maximum target. i.e. if you are CAT-A student for business studies then minimum passing marks i.e verbal (20/35), Quantitative (20/35) and Analytical 10/30) = 50 or 21/35, 21/35 12/30 = 54 many more possibility then becomes.
- It means if you correct 5 MCQs out of 10 then your total score out of 100 becomes 50 score. If you correct 3 MCQs out of 5, then your total score out of 100 becomes 60. But if you correct 4 MCQs out of 5 then your total score out of 100 becomes 80.
- Set benchmark then achieve it.
- First attempt maths, then verbal and finalize with analytical.
- Don't stuck with any MCQs if you are not sure. just leave for last and use educated guess either B or D.
- Read Read Read i.e. Without reading you will lose marks easily
- There is no negative marking.
- Fill the circle correctly.
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